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Project: ERP & accounting SaaS.

Part of the development team for the marketing website of a large Norwegian ERP and accounting SaaS company.

Development (Vue/Nuxt, TailwindCSS, Sanity, Storybook, Figma).

For around 1.5 years I've been part of this large ongoing project. As one of three developers my main tasks were building and iterating components and layouts and their stories with Vue/Nuxt, Tailwind and Storybook, defining schemas in Sanity as well as ensuring consistency with and within the design system. We basically built a high-end page builder to enable the content team to put together new pages on their own.

The complexity of this project was quite high including several third-party integrations, legacy code from different developers, and Nuxt 2 to 3 migration. We had tons of work to abstract all the technical parts and make things as easy and flexible as possible for the users.

I was also involved with overhead tasks like establishing a proper workflow for dev/design collaboration (there wasn't any) and organizational matters such as documentation, naming schemes, project structure, having git issue/pull request templates. Add to that a good portion of project management (keeping track of task progess, preventing road blocks, communicating, reporting etc).

Last but not least, my natural tendency to live quality assurance came in handy, too. One example is a mobile-first Figma template for the designers as usually only desktop layouts were provided, resulting in a lot of developer guesswork and unneccessary feedback loops. Another example would be building a knowledgebase especially with future developer's onboarding in mind.

In conclusion, these 1.5 years were a quite intense experience that made me learn a lot about design and development on large scale projects. This elevated my level from one-man-army developer for small/medium sized companies to what the big players are doing with whole teams for design and content.

Note: I was part of this project during my employment at a Norwegian web agency. As per NDA the name of the client will not be revealed.